Thursday, March 8, 2012

Packing for a trip

Spring break is rapidly approaching.. and by rapidly I mean tomorrow.

Many college students like to get away from the winter blues, especially if you live in a place like me. North Eastern Pennsylvania can be brutal in the winter, so spring break is the perfect time to do so.

My boyfriend is a United States Marine, so I tend to travel often to see him. This has led to me becoming a pro at traveling. However, I wasn't always so travel savvy. The first time I flew to North Carolina two Summers ago I was a packing fiend. I couldn't decide what to take or how to use space wisely, so I just took everything. I ended up taking a giant duffle bag and an additional large carry-on... all completely stuffed.

Recently during my travels I have cringed at the thought of having to haul around heavy luggage and pay to check any bags, so I learned how to minimize the stuff I pack to fit it all into a carry-on. It saves money and the hassle and fear of losing luggage and waiting for it to arrive.

I'm going to help all those over packers become more efficient when it comes to packing.

  1. Flights are hectic and stressful to begin with and there is really no way around that. Between the massive amounts of people and rushing to the other side of airports to catch your next flight. In order to make this part easier on yourself I recommend light weight bags that have sturdy straps to help you carry it. Overall, I recommend bags with wheels, it makes sprinting across airports so much easier.
  2. Pack versatile clothing. Make sure your clothing is weather appropriate, but is easy to fit into a small bag. Don't back a bunch of bulky, over-sized sweaters and thick sweatpants.  Pack a sweater and pants that you can wear multiple days, that you can layer for warmth or simplify in warm weather.
  3. If you want an outfit for each day pack shirts made of lightweight material, they're thin and fold into small spaces.
  4. Leggings are lightweight and can be dressed up or down. They are also leightweight. 
  5. Pack a pair of jeans that can be worn multiple times.
  6. Roll your clothing. This prevents wrinkles and makes it fit better into your bag
  7. pack socks and underwear last. These can be shoved into small pockets left over. You can also stick sock inside your shoes to save space. 
  8. Pack small shoes that can be worn in all weather, and that can be worn in any occasion. Ballet flats, moccasins and thin sneakers are great examples of this. Obviously in the summer flip flops and sandals are the way to go. You can also pack a lot of these without taking up too much room.
  9. Cloth scarves are great to take on any trip with you. They provide warmth if it's cold, dress up any simple outfit, and are extremely thin and can be shoved into any available space.   

pack thin shirts that are versatile. 
Pack one sweatshirt that can be worn multiple times

roll all clothing to prevent wrinkles and maximize space

pack large/heavy items first. Add socks and underwear last.

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