Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Break

Spring break has come, and sadly gone. But with that I have the anticipation of my next trip in 53 days (more to come on that later.)

It was a glorious trip, with a lot of good quality time spent with my boyfriend.

Unfortunately the day before my trip we got the bad news that his grandfather had a heart attack. But good news is that he is doing much better! This occurrence forced us to take a spontaneous trip to South Carolina for the weekend to see him. During this all nerves were calmed when we saw how good he was doing, and we enjoyed the time with Jon's family. After we left Sunday afternoon we made a stop at Riverbanks Zoo and enjoyed a few good hours in the beautiful weather at one of our favorite places... a zoo, of course!

During the week, we mostly relaxed and snuggled a lot. Watched movies, went to eat, that kind of eventful stuff. Friday we went to see the Lorax and Saturday I had to leave :(

All in all it was a great week, and I cant wait to see Jon again.


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