Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Finals Week: How to survive

For many college students, this week is the worst week of the semester; Finals week.

Way back when I was a freshman (a whole 3 years ago) I was a hot mess finals week, mostly because I didn't know how to adjust and cope just yet.

Now, as a junior-almost-senior, I think I am able to share tips on how to survive.

  1. SLEEP. I know you may think pulling an all-nighter instead of wasting your time sleeping will help you, but you're wrong. Unless you are literally a nocturnal creature, staying up until 5 a.m. studying will most likely do nothing for you except cause you to burn out. Your brain wont even be able to process the information you're trying to absorb, and you'll forget it come test time anyway. Getting enough rest will give your brain the chance you recover and you'll have enough energy to either continue studying the next day, or focus on the exam in front of you.
  2. EAT HEALTHY. This also plays a huge role in how your brain functions. You don't want to eat lots and lots of snack and fast food while your studying for finals, because it's only going to make you lethargic and lazy. If you eat healthy things like fruits, vegetables, nuts and even sandwiches, you'll get the nutrients you need to keep you going and focused.
  3. YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO TO THE LIBRARY. Everyone assumes that if they don't spend hours at the library, they're going to fail. However, how productive are you going to be at the library with your laptop with Facebook, Twitter, etc., etc. Just because you're at the library doesn't mean you're actually being productive. If you want a quiet place to study (which I recommend) find your own place that you're comfortable and can focus in. 
  4. DON'T FREAK OUT. This is the hardest, yet most important. Take breaks between studying and just relax; watch a movie, take a nap or even just go for a walk and get coffee. You cannot study 24/7 and keep your sanity. It's also been proven that you stop absorbing information after about 15-20 minutes of reading. So study in spurts, let your brain have a chance to absorb and reflect on the material you just covered and also the time to settle back down before you go on. This will also help you from developing bad anxiety over studying. 

Happy finals week. 

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