Friday, April 12, 2013

The electronic world

I've been thinking lately about how much stuff is really done online, this started after filing my taxes online only one week ago and already getting my return.

Then while applying for jobs online.

And submitted coursework online.

And banking online.

Then I got to thinking even more that while this might be effective, efficient and time saving it can also be a hassle.

Call me old fashioned but I would rather have things done hard copy and in person. It is always so much easier for me to remember to get things done when I am able to have the item in front of me. There are also so many set backs to doing things online, such as things getting deleted or info being out in cyber space forever.

This can also translate into my field because everything, and I mean everything is being done online now. News, job postings and even Skype interviews. And while I see the pros to it, I'd much rather do things the old fashion way.

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