Monday, May 6, 2013

Adderall and Finals

With finals week approaching, many students will be turning to the use of Adderall to help them focus and study for their exams.


Adderall is a prescription drug that is meant for people suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy.


Bloomsburg University Junior, Sara, is prescribed Adderall for ADHD and feels the pressure around finals week to help her friends by sharing the drug.


“People desperately want it this time of year,” Sara said. “It puts a lot of pressure on me because I want to do the right thing but I want to help my friends, too.”


Some students aren’t so concerned about whether or not to give it away, or even sell it.


“If my roommate wants it, then she can have it,” Bridget, a Bloomsburg senior said. “If it helps her, I’m not going to say no.”


Even though Bridget doesn’t mind sharing her prescription with her roommate, she wouldn’t sell it.


“There’s a difference, I’m not a drug dealer,” she added.


However, many students don’t have the same reservations as Bridget and are willing to make a quick buck by selling their prescription Adderall.


According to a study done by New York University, students usually pay $1 per milligram and usually cost around $8 to $10 per pill.


“It’s like a miracle drug,” said Chad, a Bloomsburg University junior. “It’s kind of like when you take it, there is nothing else going on around you. It’s extremely helpful to college students.”


Like any drug there are side effects that students should be aware of. Some include loss of appetite, abdominal pain and irritability, according to Bridget who was made aware of these symptoms by her prescribing doctor.


Students should also be aware of taking Adderall and drinking caffeinated beverages because it increases side effects and symptoms according to the Federal Drug Administration (FDA.) Adderall should also not be take with alcohol, because like most drugs, it intensifies the effect of the alcohol and can have dangerous reactions.


“Adderall isn’t a party drug, like pot,” said Mike, Bloomsburg sophomore. “Most people take it to focus, not to have fun. I don’t think anyone plans on getting wild after taking Adderall.”

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Graduation is right around the corner (May 18th to be exact,) and with that anxiety and nerves are building.

There are certain things I find helpful with coping with anxiety over graduating.

1. Write everything down. This is the best way to deal with stress, at least for me.
2. Don't panic. This only makes the situation worse.
3. Look for jobs, and have a back up plan. The fear of employment or unemployment, more appropriately is one of the biggest fears I've noticed my fellow seniors have been having. Look for jobs in your field, but if you can't find one look for temporary or part time jobs and internships that will give you a form of income and/or experience.

I know that with the big day approaching more and more things are popping their way into my head, things that I haven't even thought about before. But the best way to deal with this is think of the positives and nothing else.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Importance of social media

Social networks and media play an extremely important part in everyday life, and I think it will continue to increase over the years.

One of my favorite parts about social media is how it allows people from all over to be connected. This is especially great for me considering I have family and friends all over the country (and sometimes world) When I say all over I mean it, my stepbrother is in the Navy and has been overseas for years, I have family in Florida, Washington state, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina and New Jersey. Things like Facebook and Instagram allow me to keep in touch with them and updated in their daily lives even if we don't talk all the time. It is also easier for me to share information and things such as photos with them, because instead of going through the hassle of emailing them, everything is in one convenient spot.

It also can make a user feel like their part of the action, even if there isn't a huge distance between you and the person you're communicating with.

For example, this past weekend was Block Party and I had to go home to work. But because of my friends Facebook posts, Tweets and Instagram photos I got to share some of the experience with them even though I was an hour away.

I feel like the need to be connected with people will be the sole reason social media will survive in years to come.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Surviving the field (while still in college)

It's not easy, and after 4 years sometimes I'm still not sure how to do it. But I have learned some things along the way.

1. Some professors want to help you. While not all may want to lend a helping hand, there are always a few who will bend over backwards to help you succeed. They understand that as a student you are bound to make a few mistakes and need some help and guidance and are willing to work with you along the way. Find these professors and hold on to them and don't let the professors who give you a hard time or make your college career difficult get to you, some just don't know any better.

2. Hard work pays off. In this field it's a lot of writing, a lot of talking and a lot of organizing. I've learned that becoming unorganized can hurt your education and can add a lot of anxiety and stress in to your life and can make catching up difficult. But if you work hard, you can do anything you set your mind to.

3. Stay positive. Sometimes this field can be frustrating and it's easy to be negative and give up. But if you're in this major because you love it, then one day it'll all be worth it.

Friday, April 12, 2013

The electronic world

I've been thinking lately about how much stuff is really done online, this started after filing my taxes online only one week ago and already getting my return.

Then while applying for jobs online.

And submitted coursework online.

And banking online.

Then I got to thinking even more that while this might be effective, efficient and time saving it can also be a hassle.

Call me old fashioned but I would rather have things done hard copy and in person. It is always so much easier for me to remember to get things done when I am able to have the item in front of me. There are also so many set backs to doing things online, such as things getting deleted or info being out in cyber space forever.

This can also translate into my field because everything, and I mean everything is being done online now. News, job postings and even Skype interviews. And while I see the pros to it, I'd much rather do things the old fashion way.

Monday, April 1, 2013

The importance of internships and networking

While at my internship last summer at the Pocono Record, a small daily newspaper located in Stroudsburg, Pa, I learned the importance of making connections and networking.

The opportunity itself was a phenomenal one, considering after graduation I want to eventually work at a newspaper, big or small. And during my internship I wasn't simply the coffee girl, I was actually sent on assignments, took photos and even participated in a manhunt for a man suspected of attempted murder. Needless to say it was my dream job wrapped up into one summer.

After my internship was over, I was sad but the connections I made and the people I met are still in my life almost a year later.

By working my butt off and doing whatever my editors told me to do, I made a good impression. That and being open and friendly they got to know me on a more personal level as well.

After my internship was over, I connected with the editors and a few other reporters via Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. There they comment on things in my life on a professional level and a personal level. It's nice to know they care about me as a person and a journalist even after I left the office and that I still have them to turn to after I graduate.

Even though they don't have any openings for me now, the fact that I kept in touch kept me in their minds so if they ever have an opening I'll be on their list. That and now I have amazing references for any of my future professional endeavors.

The lesson here would not only be to find an internship and work hard no matter what because it is a great experience, but also to make connections and have a good working and maybe even personal relationship with the people you work for and with because you never know when you might need their help/advice/recommendations in the future.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Oz the Great and Powerful

Oz the Great and Powerful starring James Franco, Mila Kunis, Michelle Williams and Rachel Weisz was released Friday March 8 and topped the box office charts for two weeks in a row.      
            The movie started out like the original Wizard of Oz released in 1939 starring Judy Garland. It took place during the depression and was filmed in black in white. The black and white film caused it to fell charming and nostalgic. However, the acting didn’t fit the time period. The lines were to modern and so were the characters; completely unbelievable.
            When the picture transitioned to color it felt more like Alice in Wonderland circa 2010 than the Wizard of Oz. The only thing missing was Johnny Depp with a lot of face paint and orange hair.
            All of the colors were vibrant and there were some creatures that were more science fiction like than just mystical.
            As far as the acting goes, Michelle Williams and Rachel Weisz were flawless and the good and wicked witch, respectively.
 However, I could think of at least a handful of actors that would have played Oz better than James Franco: Robert Downey Jr., Johnny Depp, James McAvoy even James Marsden. Franco didn’t seem to know what to do with the role and like he didn’t know anything about the time period.
            Kunis was also a miss. I am a huge fan of her, but this movie left me a little disappointed with this role. She played the part of Theodora (the wicked-turned-good-turned-wicked witch) in a naïve and air-headed way in the beginning. When she transformed into the wicked witch she fit the role more, and became the strong actress that I love.
            The story line I totally approve of. Being a fan of the original Wizard of Oz, it was a perfect prequel to how the wizard got to the Land of Oz In theory and on paper the story was perfect, in execution it was a little lax.
            There were some characters that I absolutely adored, like the flying monkey, Finely who becomes Franco’s personal assistant and the Porcelain Doll girl that they save from “China Town” after the Wicked Witch attacked it. The two are just adorable and so simple in their own ways that it becomes endearing and it doesn’t feel like they are trying too hard to make the audience like them.
            All-in-all I’d give the movie about a 3 out of 5 star rating, it was a good family movie and was well done in parts and all around decent with room for improvement.